JAN 20: Office Closed/MLK Day

FEB 5: Board of Supervisors' Meeting

FEB 17: Office Closed/Presidents' Day

MAR 5: Board of Supervisors' Meeting

MAR 20: First Day of Spring

MAR 29: Tree/Plant Sale Order Deadline

APR 8: Board of Supervisors' Meeting

APR 10/11: Tree/Plant Sale Pickup

APR 22: Earth Day

MAY 7: Board of Supervisors' Meeting

  • Come See Us!

    The 2020 Annual Financial Report for Montgomery Soil and Water Conservation District is complete and available for review.  

    Our office is located at 10025 Amity Road, Brookville.  Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  • Flooding Prevention

    We maintain drainage projects around the county to prevent flooding and soil erosion.


Montgomery Soil & Water Conservation District

What is the Montgomery SWCD?

The Montgomery Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) connects the residents, businesses, governments and agriculture of Montgomery County, Ohio, with education, best management practices, and technical leadership on water quality, water management, conservation, and wildlife habitat.

We are the community’s natural resource stewards for a livable community today and tomorrow. The Montgomery Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) is a political subdivision of the State of Ohio. We are located at 10025 Amity Road, Brookville, Ohio 45309.

SWCDs are locally led entities that provide nonregulatory conservation direction. SWCDs have a responsibility to conserve soil, water and related resources by working with landowners at a local level to decrease soil erosion and improve water quality.

Why were SWCDs Started?

A national disaster in the 1930s known as the "Great Dust Bowl" resulted from over five years of drought in the Great Plains states. This tragedy was made worse by poor farming practices that caused most of the top soil in the Nation's midsection to be lost through wind erosion. Thousands of farming families lost their livelihoods.

The Federal government realized the importance of soil to the nation's economic security, and created the Soil Conservation Service, (which became the Natural Resource Conservation Service, or NRCS) eventually assisting states and local governments to create local Soil and Water Conservation Districts. Under the authority of the Ohio Conservation District 

Board of Supervisors

The Montgomery SWCD is administered by an elected Board of Supervisors. Annual elections are held each fall, with all landowners and residents of Montgomery County over 18 years of age eligible to vote.

Board members serve three year terms, donating their time to set policy and conduct other District business. Board meetings are held the first Wednesday of each month.

Pictured left to right are: Fred Glander (Vice Chairman), Bill Myers, Dr. Mark Judy (Chairman), Andrew O'Diam (Secretary), and Bruce Flora (Fiscal Officer).


The Montgomery SWCD staff consists of Administrative, Technical and Education personnel.

Additionally, partnering agencies including the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service, ODNR Division of Wildlife, and Pheasants Forever have staff based in our office.

Cynthia Berk

Office Assistant
o: (937) 248-0528

Stefan Bridenbaugh

Water Management Technician
o: (937) 248-0518
c: (937) 313-3231

Holly Buchanan

Administrative Assistant
o: (937) 248-0514
c: (937) 272-0746

Ed Everman

District Director
o: (937) 248-0516
c: (937) 470-9448

Mike Mullen

Education Specialist
o: (937) 248-0521

Haley Henderson

Administrative Assistant
o: (937) 248-0662

Andrew Richard

o: (937) 248-0519

Dalton Marshall

o: (937) 248-0520

Partner Staff

Jeff Barnes

USDA NRCS District Conservationist
o: (937) 248-0515
c: (937) 509-8455

Nathan Weber

USDA NRCS Wetland Team Leader
o: (937) 248-0525
c: (614) 406-3179

Tyler White

USDA NRCS Resource Conservationist
o: (937) 248-0522

Jeremy Huggler

Civil Engineering Technician
o: (937) 248-0520
c: (740) 396-2460

Renee Buck

Pheasants Forever, Inc. Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist
o: (937) 578-8264

Liz Cline

ODA Area IV Program Specialist
o: (937) 248-0527
c: (614) 361-8579

Brooke White

Soil Conservationist
o: (937) 248-0656



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